Jamie Foxx Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

American Actor Jamie Foxx’s phone number is 3107758600, his house address is Hidden Valley, California, United States, his email id is jamiefoxx@gmail.com, and his fan mail address is Jamie Foxx, LBI Entertainment, 2000 Avenue Of The Stars, 3rd Floor, North Tower, Century City, CA, 90067, USA.

Jamie Foxx is an American Actor, Comedian, Singer, Songwriter, and Record Producer. He was born on 13 December 1967 in Hidden Valley, California, United States. His father’s name is Darrell Bishop and his mother’s name is Louise Annette Talley Dixon. He has two sisters. Jamie Foxx’s height is 5 feet 9 inches and his weight is 82 kilograms.

Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx Contact Details

Phone Number: 3107758600

House Address: Hidden Valley, California, United States

Email Id: jamiefoxx@gmail.com

Fan Mail Address: Jamie Foxx, LBI Entertainment, 2000 Avenue Of The Stars, 3rd Floor, North Tower, Century City, CA, 90067, USA

Office Address: LBI Entertainment (Talent Management Company) 2000 Avenue Of The Stars, 3rd Floor, North Tower, Century City, CA 90067, USA

Website: www.jamiefoxx.com

WhatsApp Number: 3107758600

Fax Number: Not Known

Hometown: USA

Jamie Foxx Social Media Accounts

American Actor Jamie Foxx is active on social sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as he loves to interact with his fans. We shared his verified social media profile links, which can help you to contact him.

Instagram: @iamjamiefoxx

Twitter: @iamjamiefoxx

Facebook: @jamiefoxx

Jamie Foxx Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

Phone Number 3107758600
House Address Hidden Valley, California, United States
Email Id jamiefoxx@gmail.com
WhatsApp Number 3107758600
Fan Mail Address Jamie Foxx, LBI Entertainment, 2000 Avenue Of The Stars, 3rd Floor, North Tower, Century City, CA, 90067, USA
Office Address LBI Entertainment (Talent Management Company) 2000 Avenue Of The Stars, 3rd Floor, North Tower, Century City, CA 90067, USA
Website www.jamiefoxx.com
Telephone Number Not Known
Fax Number Not Known

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