Upkar Sandhu Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Upkar Sandhu is an Indian Singer and Model. He works in the Punjabi Music Industry. He started singing along with his graduation. In 2014, he became popular through his superhit song “Shaunki Sardar”. He has released many songs.

Upkar Sandhu was born on 21 November 1992  Ludhiana, Punjab, India. He belongs to a Sikh family and his parent’s & siblings’ names are unknown. He is Unmarried. Upkar Sandhu’s height is around 6 feet 1 inch.

Upkar Sandhu

Upkar Sandhu Contact Details

Phone Number: +919041133306

House Address: Mohali, Punjab, India

Email Id: Upkarofficial@gmail.com

WhatsApp Number: +919041133306

Residence Address: Ludhiana, Punjab, India

Official Website: Not Known

Fax Number: Not Known

Office Address: Not Known

Upkar Sandhu Social Media Accounts

Indian Singer Upkar Sandhu is active on several social sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as he is a very social addict and loves to interact with his fans. We shared his verified social media profile links, which can help you to contact him.

Instagram: Here

Twitter: Here

Facebook: Here

Upkar Sandhu Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

House Address Mohali, Punjab, India
Phone Number +919041133306
Email Id Upkarofficial@gmail.com
Whatsapp Number +919041133306
Fax Number Not Known
Website Not Known
Residence Ludhiana, Punjab, India
Hometown Ludhiana, Punjab, India

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