Sapna Malik Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Sapna Malik is an Indian Model. She became popular for participating in the game reality show ‘MTV Roadies Revolution in 2020. During her college days, she auditioned for the reality TV show ‘MTV Roadies Revolution’ and she got selected for the show. Sapna missed her final exams to be a part of the show.

Sapna Malik was born on 29 May 1999 in Chandigarh, India. She has completed a Bachelor of Dental Science from Chandigarh University. She has one younger brother. She is Unmarried. Her height is 5 feet 10 inches.

Sapna Malik

Sapna Malik Contact Details

Phone Number: +9136521478XX

House Address: Chandigarh, India

Email Id:

WhatsApp Number: +9136521478XX

Residence Address: Chandigarh, India

Official Website: Not Known

Fax Number: Not Known

Office Address: Not Known

Sapna Malik’s Social Media Accounts

Instagram: Here

Twitter: Here

Facebook: Here

Sapna Malik Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

House Address Chandigarh, India
Phone Number +9136521478XX
Email Id
Website Not Known
Home Town Chandigarh, India
Residence Chandigarh, India
Whatsapp Number +9136521478XX
Telephone Number Not Known

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