Khasa Aala Chahar Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Khasa Aala Chahar is an Indian Singer and Lyricist. He mainly works in the Haryanvi Music Industry. He began his career as a lyricist and worked on the songs “Jat Jatni” and Jat Jatni 2″ in 2019. He has sung many songs, including Father Saab, Army Ki Vardi, Maai, Panimaar, Sahi, College Life, 3 Subbed, DJ Na Rok Die, Gora Rang, Jai Veeru, Feel, Teri Gail, Rola Chodhar Ka, etc.

Khasa Aala Chahar was born on 21 October 1998 in Khasa Maahajanam, Haryana, India. He studied at the Government Public School and IGNOU University from where he completed his graduation. His father’s name is Rajveer Singh Chahar and his mother’s name is Shakuntala Devi. He has a brother. Khasa Aala Chahar’s height is around 5 feet 6 inches.

Khasa Aala Chahar

Khasa Aala Chahar Contact Details

Check out, the popular Indian Singer Khasa Aala Chahar’s contact address details information with verified resources. Let’s check out his official contact information which is listed below.

Phone Number: +917889890593

House Address: Khasa Mahajanam, Haryana, India

Email Id:

WhatsApp Number: +917889890593

Residence Address: Khasa Mahajanam, Haryana, India

Official Website: Not Known

Fax Number: Not Known

Office Address: Not Known

Khasa Aala Chahar Social Media Accounts

Indian Singer Khasa Aala Chahar is active on several social sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as he is a very social addict and loves to interact with his fans. We shared his verified social media profile links, which can help you to contact him.

Instagram: Here

Twitter: Here

Facebook: Here

Khasa Aala Chahar Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

House Address Khasa Mahajanam, Haryana, India
Phone Number +917889890593
Email Id
Whatsapp Number +917889890593
Residence Khasa Mahajanam, Haryana, India
Hometown Khasa Mahajanam, Haryana, India
Website Not Known

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