Khan Bhaini Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Khan Bhaini is an Indian Singer, Lyricist, and Music Composer. He started his career as a lyricist and he has written many songs such as Enough, Sidhu Da Munda, and Dodge. He started his singing career in 2019 with the song “12 PM to 12 AM”. He became famous through his song “Bille Bille Naina Waliye” which got over 65 million views on YouTube. His other hit songs are, Naagmani, Bille Bille Naina Waliye, Gaddi Pichhe Na, 2 Cheene, Nakhre vs Guns, Proud To Be Desi, etc.

Khan Bhaini was born on 13 August 1995 in Bhaini Maharaj, Barnala, Punjab, India. He studied at the Government Public School, Mehraj, and has completed his graduation. He is Unmarried. Khan Bhaini’s height is around 5 feet 8 inches. His real name is Bishwas Khan Bhaini.

Khan Bhaini

Khan Bhaini Contact Details

Phone Number: +919876416725

House Address: Mohali, Punjab, India

Email Id:

WhatsApp Number: +919876416725

Residence Address: Mohali, Punjab, India

Official Website: Not Known

Fax Number: Not Known

Office Address: Not Known

Management Email Id:

Khan Bhaini Social Media Accounts

Instagram: Here

Twitter: Here

Facebook: Here

Khan Bhaini Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

House Address Mohali, Punjab, India
Phone Number +919876416725
Email Id
Whatsapp Number +919876416725
Residence Mohali, Punjab, India
Hometown Bhaini Mehraj, Barnala, Punjab, India
Management Email

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