Jaz Dhami Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Jaz Dhami is a British-Indian Playback Singer, Music Composer, Music Producer, and Performer. He is a very popular singer and can play a musical instrument called Guitar. Jaz Dhami was released his first album ‘Groundshaker 2’ in 2008 and his first single ‘Roj Miliye’ released in the same year. He is best known for his songs, including High Heels, and Humne Pee Rakhi Hai both are Bollywood Film songs. He has received many awards for best Musician. His notable singles, include Cyclone, Shehzada, So Simple, Teri Ah, Munda Like Me Speed Records, Beparwaiyan, etc.

Jaz Dhami was born on 1 March 1989 in Handsworth, Birmingham, United Kingdom. He is the son of Vicar Dhami. He went to London University, London, later Sir Paul McCartney School of Music, Liverpool, and then Chandigarh University, Mohali. Jaz Dhami has completed a Degree in Music Technology and did a course in Indian Classical Music. Jaz Dhami is Unmarried.

Jaz Dhami

Jaz Dhami Contact Details

Phone Number: +447766766779

House Address: Handsworth, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Email Id: mgmt@jazdhami.com

WhatsApp Number: +447766766779

Residence Address: Handsworth, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Official Website: www.jazdhami.com

Fax Number: Not Known

Jaz Dhami Social Media Accounts

Indian film Punjabi Singer Jaz Dhami is active on several social sites including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as he is a very social addict and loves to interact with his fans. We shared his verified social media profile links, which can help you to contact him.

Facebook: Here

Twitter: Here

Instagram: Here

YouTube: Here

Jaz Dhami Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

House Address Handsworth, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Phone Number +447766766779
Email Id mgmt@jazdhami.com
Whatsapp Number Not Known
WhatsApp Number +447766766779
Management Email Id mgmt@jazdhami.com
Office Address PO Box 16095 Birmingham B6 – 9DR, England
Hometown Handsworth, Birmingham, United Kingdom

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