Andrea Tovar Phone Number, House Address, Email ID, Contact Details

Andrea Tovar is a Colombian Model and Beauty Pageant Titleholder. She is the winner of Miss Colombia 2015. She represented Choco at the pageant and represented Colombia at Miss Universe 2016. Andrea Tovar was born on 3 September 1993 in Quibdo, Colombia.

Her father’s name is Antonio Tovar and her mother’s name is Xenia Rosa Velasquez. She studied at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogota, Colombia from where she completed Design and Photographic Image Production. She is Unmarried. Andrea Tovar’s height is around 5 feet 10 inches.

Andrea Tovar

Andrea Tovar Contact Details

Phone Number: +164655955XX

House Address: Quibdo, Colombia, South America

Email Id:

WhatsApp Number: +164655955XX

Residence Address: Quibdo, Colombia, South America

Official Website: Not Known

Fax Number: Not Known

Office Address: Not Known

Andrea Tovar’s Social Media Accounts

Instagram: Here

Twitter: Here

Facebook: Here

Andrea Tovar Phone Number, House Address, Email ID

House Address Quibdo, Colombia, South America
Phone Number +164655955XX
Email Id
Website Not Known
Home Town Quibdo, Colombia, South America
Residence Quibdo, Colombia, South America
Whatsapp Number +164655955XX
Telephone Number Not Known

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